Dont take that old chandelier to the dump just yet! Did you know there are tons of
smart ways that you can upcycle an old chandelier into something brand new and
wonderfully different? How about turning an old chandelier into a planter for your
garden, or into a backyard bird feeder? Dont have a cast off chandelier of your own to
repurpose into a new creation? Then why not create your own unique chandelier out of
salvaged and repurposed materials like some of the ones pictured below?
Read on and be inspired!
Anthropologies Magpie Chandelier is a colorful explosion of found objects and trinkets
Chandelier planter with tutorial by DIY Showoff
Very cool chicken wire candle chandelier
I love this fairy chandelier by BellStudios on Etsy
Check out this fabulous outdoor chandelier made with electric insulators and old garden
fencing (above and below) made by Vickie at Ranger 911
Looks beautiful at night!
Old chandelier turned into a unique planter
Handcrafted Bohemian kitchen chandelier: crystals, beads, chains, and spoons
by Madeleine Boulexteix
Outdoor chandelier made with electric insulators by Brian at Gadget Sponge
DIY solar light chandelier from Southern Life Beautiful
Recycled wine bottle garden chandelier
Cute birdhouse chandelier
Garden chandeliers with votives from Ruffled blog found via Pinterest
I see lots of vintage chandelier crystals at flea markets. Why not fashion your own mini
garden chandeliers with wire, chain, and a handful of old crystals?
garden chandeliers with wire, chain, and a handful of old crystals?
Garden birdfeeder chandelier
Bike part chandelier by flyingpuppy via instructibles
Umbrella frame chandelier by T.O.M.T.
What do you think?
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