Should always prefer solutions focused on ease of use, this is the principle which should undergo all forms of design and creativity.The "ease" Living and DIY communicated by the "minimalism" The Green Ant are nothing more than this: simplicity.
DIY Living table, bookcase, chair: "It that easy / Its so easy"inimalism. The Art of Removing Continually Have you left things until all is beauty.Minimalism. The art of removing things continuously until all that remains is beauty.
Strip away everything That Is not essential and youll finally haves That is something.Remove everything that is not essential and you will end up something that is.
One thing leads to Bruno MunariSimplify means to solve the problem by deleting anything that does not help the realization of the functions.
Simplifying means reducing costs, reduce time of processing, assembly, finishing. It means solving two problems together in a single solution.
Simplifying a difficult job and requires lot of creativity.
Complicating is much easier to just
add everything that comes to mind without worrying if the costs go beyond the limits of the sale,
if you put more time to achieve the object, and so on.
It must be said, however, that the public, in general,
is more inclined to assess the "hard work" manual that you need to make a complicated thing than to recognize the "hard work" of mind it takes to make it easier, because then you do not sees.In fact the people in the face of extremely simple solutions, that might have required lengthy research and trials, he says, but how is that all? But I know I do!When someone saysI know I domeanwho knows REDOotherwise wouldalready have it.
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